Whats on
Children & Young People
We are keen to share the message of Jesus in fun and creative ways. We want children to experience God for themselves and develop a personal relationship with Him.
We have three kids' groups and a creche on a Sunday morning and once a month we worship together in our informal all-age service.
For families, we host regular social events which in the past have included family breakfasts before the Sunday service, picnics at the local park, and quiz afternoons.
We know that family life can be hectic, but you are welcome to join our daytime home group, many of whom are parents with young families .
Tiny Tots
Tiny Tots is a friendly and welcoming group, open to all preschool children and their parents /carers. During the group, we often have a singing session, snack time and read a storybook together, as well as plenty of free play. Drop in when you can and leave when you need to! The group is free to attend and runs every Friday morning during term time from 9.30 - 11.15.
Deeper and Ignite are our Sunday evening groups for young people age 11+ and 14+. A great place to make friends and learn about being a follower of Jesus.
Youth Cafe
First Saturday of each month from 6- 7.30 pm in the Hall - a fun social event for our Youth and friends
For more information on all these groups, please contact Lucy Baines lucy.baines@stthomasyork.org